Book Review-Crossing to Safety By Wallace Stegner
It took me a long time to tackle this novel. I am sorry that it took me so long. Although I would say that my mindset now fits the novel, where I did not have the mndset before.
I bought this novel many years ago during one of my “read important literary books” phase. The obvious intent was to expose my mind to well written books, the not so obvious to have the book on my already-read bookshelf for my ego trip. I had read book reviews to get candidates for my reading list which would fulfill my twin intentions, this book often came up in the literary book reviews. I never knew why he or the book is so important, but I fell for it; I bought a brand-new copy at that time, and it has followed me around through my numerous moves and travels without my having read the book. I put it on my To-Be-Read list when I contemplate reading material, and I either initially failed to gain traction or I would find another book that is newer and shinier. This book is always at the back of my mind until I decided recently to tackle it once again, the guilt was getting to me. The difference this time is that I was able to get traction with it. I cannot tell you why, maybe it is because I am older, or maybe it is that I have read a wider variety of books in the meantime, or it could be that I am no longer in a hurry.
The accrued experiences and knowledge throughout my life helped me in finally appreciating Stegner’s work through different perspectives and context.
There are multiple facets to this novel: it is a critique of the tenure and promotion process of American universities; it is a story of the love and friendship between two couples as they grow older together through the vagaries of life; it is the accounts of people’s nature and habits evolve and yet also stay the same as they mature and grow old; and there is the overarching plot driving the narrative and ties the novel together.
The most salient characteristic of the book is how Stegner’s words seduce the reader into turning the next page and the next page. My attraction to the book now made me reflect on my initial difficulty in sustaining my reading of the book, I attribute it to my own immaturity at the time which resulted in my inability to appreciate the subtleties and nuances of Stegner’s skill as a writer. His writing has a lyrical quality which is seductive while affecting my thoughts subliminally. Stegner has a way of prodding the reader’s imagination to fill in the gaps in the narrative and not having to declare the story outright. The language he uses is mesmerizing, he draws the reader in by allowing the reader to bask in the language which leads us subtly into the story. This book is a great example of what a great writer can do. First, they can transform and transport the reader, not by the choice of words but the words are put together. Second, the rhythm and flow of the way the words are put together conveys as much if not more than the direct interpretation of the meaning from aggregating the individual words. Stegner held a master class of the how to work this magic in this book.
The narrative flits in and out of the chronology of the events, giving the reader the full story without locking the readers into a strict chronology. This technique is not new of course, but the time structure of the story is subtly noticeable, not intrusive, and easily integrates into the reader’s perspective.
As expected, the final chapters give us the denouement of all the different threads that led us into the novel. The ending was not surprising as Stegner had foretold what to expect, but it is also surprising in that he had populated the last chapters so much of the unexpected. All I can say is that I was emotionally drained by the time I read the last word of the novel.
Needless to say, I will be dipping into Mr. Stenger’s other works, this time without any reservations and be ready for the magic of his words.